Spiritual oppression, which is a tactic of the enemy in spiritual warfare, plagues believers. As I have mentioned in a past post (Spiritual Oppression, Jan 10,2011) I was one of them.
Christians can be oppressed. But we can also be release… for God is with us.
In the last post I talked about the conversation that becomes oppression. What I would like to talk about now is the words that the Bible uses for these two devices of the devil.
The bible uses the following words:
Daimonizomai: “possessed” (ie. Matt 8:16)
Katadynasteuō: “oppressed” (ie. Acts 10:38)
When we are possessed of the devil… he owns us. We are his possession, under his control. But we must always remember that we have been stolen for he is a thief.
Not stolen from Christ, for the devil has no power of Him.
But stolen from ourselves.
Unguarded, we let the enemy come and take our hearts. But be not afraid… Christ has bought us back by His blood. He paid the ransom for those in captivity and now HE owns us!
We can never be stolen from His hand. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus! Amen? Amen!
But I want to look at the word for “oppressed”… this Katadynasteuo.
Understanding this word is absolutely critical. For in the meaning of the word is further confirmation of who we are in Christ.
Kata – under
Dynasteuo – dominion (we get out word “Dynasty” from this root)
The word we know as “oppressed” literally means “under dominion or under the domain of.”
“all that were oppressed of the devil;” Acts 10:18
No we see that what the term means is to be under the domain of the devil.
Christians become under the domain of the devil when they get our from under the shadow of His wings.
When we step out of the light into the darkness rather than step out of the darkness into the light…
When we take what the devil says and agree with it, rather than take what the word of God says and agree with it…
We cross the line of dominion.
How do we get back? Stop listening to the lies of the enemy that make you doubt who you are in Christ Jesus.
You are redeemed. Live like it.
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