Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Proof for the existence of God

While from time to time it changes… were I asked right now what I see as the best evidence for the existence of God… I would say, “evil.”


Because I don’t care who you are or where you are from… I don’t care what faith you have… or what religion you were brought up in…

You have within yourself this trigger that makes you cringe when you hear certain stories.  You know the ones I am talking about… the ones that make you say, “How could anyone do such a thing.”

When you get angry at someone for doing something to you that you felt was “wrong” you actually confess (agree along with) a system of right and wrong.

Did you ever wonder how you got it?  That system?  If we are nothing but matter… then nothing matters.

I evolution is true, and God does not exist… then I have every right to walk up to anyone I want and kill them… proving that I am more fit, and therefore I survive.

But even as I say this… there will be those that think I go too far.  How could that be?  How could, if there is no bellwether of “right” or “wrong”, I be proven wrong? 

Even those who argue that there is no “right” or “wrong” would be hard pressed to say that they would feel nothing wrong with a perfect stranger committing some atrocity to a helpless child.

So, I say… we can tell that there is a “wrong” and we can recognize “evil” because God is real.  His Spirit is in us, it quickens us.  We are made in His image.  This moral code to which we agree before we know what agreeing is has One who has set it up.

So, if God… then why Jesus?  What makes me so certain that Jesus is who He said He is and did what He said He did?

Guess what… I am not going to answer.  That is my answer. 

Because I believe the scripture and the scripture says that no man comes unto Jesus except the Father call him.

One of the most amazingly incredible truths of Christianity is this… draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.  Seek Him and you will find Him.  It isn’t up to me to prove to you that Jesus is real, that He is the Christ, that He died and rose again… all in fulfillment of the scriptures.  Nope.  Not my job.

It’s His.
So… why Him… for me?

Not that is a different question. 

Because I have looked into His eyes and seen the love He has for me. 

I am going to stop there.  My story means nothing.  It is your story that counts.  When no one is looking… when you feel comfortable enough… safe enough… secure enough… ask Him. 

In the mean time… I hope that the posts on this blog serve to comfort and encourage.  Let the Spirit do what the Spirit does as He is the only One who can.


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