Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Cogito ergo sum"

“I think, therefore I am.” – Rene Descarte

You may have heard this phrase before.  And you may have an opinion on it.  But I would like to propose a new understanding.  One that glorifies God.  One that gives us insight into His character and ours.

And so… let us see what it is to think

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.”  Philippians 4:8

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Thoughts are received.  We get them from somewhere… or rather someone.  We do not “come up” with them on our own.  That is giving us too much credit.

But we do “get” thoughts the way we “get” sick, or “get” paid.  We receive them.

If thoughts then are received, what does it mean to think?  And how does “I think therefore I am” fit into an equation for God?

To think is to dwell on, consider, give time to, or meditate on a thought.  So even the act of thinking is one that requires having received something first.  We cannot dwell on or consider that which we do not have.  When we acknowledge that every thought we have is a thought we have received we must acknowledge that these thoughts came from somewhere.

And as I mentioned before… someone.  They either come from Christ or from the enemy.  If they are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, full of virtue, full of praise… if they are thoughts of peace, and not evil… they are from God.  Consider, dwell on, give your time to, and meditate on those.

DO NOT think on any thought that contradicts these… for they are from the enemy.

For a thought to enter our hearts (for as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is) we must allow it to, we must receive it. 

Do not receive the thoughts from the enemy.  Return to sender.

So how does this concept honor God.

YHWH = Yahweh = “I am” = God… for God said, “Tell them, I AM sent you.”

So... "I think, therefore I am" can be interpreted...
“I receive thoughts, therefore God is.”

Go ahead… think on that.


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