Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cluttered ceilings

If you want to get an idea of the effect my prayers have had this week do the following:  Go to the party store and buy as many helium balloons as you can; go home and stand in your foyer, or kitchen, or whatever; let go of all of the balloons.

Now… what you are looking at, with all of those balloons making it just to the ceiling and no further…

those are my prayers.  Why?...

Because on those days when I don’t honor my wife as I should… when I don’t make her my number one priority… when I think more of myself and what others think of me than of her and what she thinks of me… 

all of my prayers, that are trying to rise up to God… are hindered.  And they hit the ceiling.

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with [them] according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” 1 Peter 3:7 bold mine

You see, if you are like me… you lost the second you started.  I might think that I have knowledge about my wife… but I don’t.  I might know things about her… I might even know her (more and more each day)… but the knowledge that is being spoken about here… I don’t got it. 

It I did… I wouldn’t screw up as much as I do.

Weaker doesn’t mean “less strong” by the way.  It means “more easily broken.”  We need… scratch that.., you guys are on your own… I NEED TO get this through my thick skull and treat my wife delicately. 

We are heirs together with them.  What causes us to want to do things apart from them?  What causes us to forget that we are one?

The lies of the enemy we have agreed with.  Our pride.  MY pride.

I can’t afford for my prayers to be hindered.  But the good thing is this… those balloons haven’t run out of helium yet.

If I can just get off my duff and honor (give what is due) my wife… maybe, just maybe… I can’t break the ceiling off and let those prayers rise up to where they are meant to be.

Only by God’s grace.

Pray for me please.  That I would honor my wife.  That I would stop thinking I am anything at all aside from a blood bought believer who I only one third of a person… the other two being the much greater… my wife, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray that this three-fold cord does not come easily unraveled.

Thank you.


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