Wednesday, April 20, 2011

God doesn’t owe you anything

“I don’t owe you anything.”

That was the answer I got from the Lord when I was in prayer… asking for quite a big list of things. 

My default response was to agree with Him and say, “I know Lord… I am not worthy… Your grace is sufficient… You blood was enough…”

And as I was rambling through my list of theologically correct declarations of the Word of God, the Glory and the Lifter of my head gently put His hand beneath my chin, raised it, and smiling said…

“I don’t owe you anything because all that I have is already yours.”

WOW!  What a way to start the day!

God doesn’t owe us anything.  How could He?  How could He owe us what He has already given us?

The Bible says that we have at our disposal the fullness of God. (Eph 3:19)  That the Father loved us so much that He held nothing back but that He sent His only begotten Son. (John 3:16)  That He will supply all of our need according to His riches by Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19)

I need to start taking the Lord at His word.  I need to start acting according to my confession that He is Jehovah Jireh – the Lord Who Provides.  I need to start taking hold of that which Christ took hold of for me.

If I am indeed a joint-heir of Christ and an heir of God… I’ve got quite and inheritance with my name on it.

And so do you.

The question is… do I have the moxy to ask my Dad for my portion now?  If I take Him at His word; just as in the parable of the prodigal son… He will give it.

What is it that you need?  Don’t ask God for it.

Thank Him for it.

It is already yours.


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