Sunday, April 3, 2011

Common Christian pitfall..

“Let no man think more of himself than he should.”

First of all, we quote too many bible verses.  No, just kidding.  I just want you to be in a light mood while we discuss this so if you want me to wait while you go and poor yourself a cup of coffee than I will. 

What are those things that Christians on a whole easily slip into?  Well I think the first thing above all else is that we become to prideful about our Christianity.  We could never grow too proud of Jesus but we tend to think that we are the cream of the crop, the picks of the litter.  When if fact we are supposed to be the most humble of all, the servants.  “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty look before a fall.”  It is the devil’s biggest gun, our pride.  He can trick us with it even if we are looking for it.  Once I was talking to a friend about things, actually things about the church.
  We didn’t agree on everything and were in a heavy discussion.  It was friendly but had that intensity to it.  When we were done I realized that it was people like him that keep me in check.  I said to him as we shook hands, “Thanks for the argument.  If you agreed with everything I said I could get a big head real easy.”  And I meant it.  I had to rethink what I had said to him and how I had said it to make sure that what I said was what I felt.  We as Christians love to hear ourselves talk.  It is like we are giving the sermon-on-the-mount.  We want so much to be right and to be respected at times that the focus comes off of Christ and on to our own gain.  It happens to the very best if even for a moment.  No one is infallible.  Of course this pride easily turns into judgement of others.  And here come those self-righteous, judgmental Christians.  Holy rollers who think they do no wrong and look down on everyone else or try to show everyone else his or her faults while the leave theirs untouched.  You must think that I am so cynical.  Well I guess that I am.  I complain a lot I suppose.  I believe that some things have to be brought to light and be dealt with or they will continue to infest the Christian community.


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