Thursday, September 22, 2011

Getting past the bait… right to the hook.

Have you ever been in a situation when someone asks you a question that you know is mean to bait you?  You know the ones I am talking about… they try to lead you and then snare you.
Jesus faced that all the time.  We know of the classic “render to Caesar” coin catch.  But I would like to look at another instance.  One where Jesus not only destroyed the bait… but went further and bent the hook.
The story plays out in Matthew 22: 23-33.  It starts like this…
The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,”… (v23)
Right there we get a hint.  These guys were trying to validate their point of view.  They did not believe in the resurrection.  They wanted one of two things to happen… they wanted either to stump Him so that they looked good… or they wanted Him to support them… so they looked good.
But Jesus saw the hook… the real question… “will you endorse us?”  But He wouldn’t be taken in.
Over the next few verses they challenge Him about a woman who legally had seven husbands.  What “would happen in the resurrection”, they asked?
I love His answer in verse 29, “Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.”
He then gives them an answer only He could… and then shows them that they were wrong.  So He gave them the bait and the hook right back and sent them with their little fishing hats home.
They didn’t know the scriptures… they didn’t know the power of God… and so they greatly erred.
But there is a warning here… if we do not know the scriptures… will we ever know the power of God.
Excuse me a moment… but I have to go study my Bible.


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