Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Are you a dreamer?

I was always called a “dreamer.”  But it hasn’t always been (and often still isn’t) given as a compliment.  Too often people tag someone with “big ideas” or “overly optimistic” as being a “dreamer.”
The implication is that a dreamer is not grounded in reality.  They aren’t “do-ers.”
Well, I want to challenge, and break the curse that so many speak over dreamers like me.
God told us that we would “have dreams and see visions.”
Why do we limit those dreams to just being asleep?  Isn’t God the giver of all good gifts?  Shouldn’t we acknowledge Him as the One Who “gives us the desires of our hearts” even if that desire is so out of the ordinary that people tag is as a dream?
I think we should.  I think we should always give Him the credit.
I believe that it is the work of the enemy, the great deceiver, to lie to people at make them think that the great things God can do, and wants to do, can’t be done.
We applaud Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as we should, for his famous “I have a dream” speech.  He got it.  He got that his dream was given to him by God.  He understood that, while the world at the time may have thought him crazy, that dream was something he would never give up on.
Do you have dreams like that?
Did you ever dream about owning a farm, a business, taking a trip across country… around the world?  Have you ever wanted something that you thought was too far out of reach?
Then you have also had a dream.
Don’t listen to the people who would talk it down or try to rain on your parade… even if they say they are doing it for you own good or “because they don’t want to see you disappointed.”
“That’ll never happen,” they say.  “Don’t get your hopes up.”
Aren’t they delivering disappointment to you early then?
Who doesn’t want someone to have hope?
I have big dreams.  Before I came to Christ… I saw them as that.
But now, as a child of God… a God, by the way, Who owns everything and can make anything happen… I see them as more than possible, or even probable… I see them as done. 
I pray that all of your dreams come into reality.  I pray that every discouraging word that has ever been spoken to you pass away.
We need more dreamers.  We need more people who don’t let the disguise of today keep them from claiming the realities of tomorrow.

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