Saturday, August 20, 2011

When the enemy just seems to keep getting in…

Have you ever found yourself in spiritual warfare… experience victory in some area of your life… and then that dirty snake, the devil, rears his ugly head and causes pain and frustration in your life?
You cry out to God as to why, when you have bound and cast out these demons, they seem to still be around?  For all of your effort, there is a breach somewhere in your line of defense.
Perhaps you missed one of the rules of engagement in spiritual warfare…
Perverseness in speech… causes a breach.
A wholesome tongue [is] a tree of life: but perverseness therein [is] a breach in the spirit.” Proverbs 15:4
Not only is cursing the language of the devil, but even having speech that is perverse will cause a breach in your spirit.   It will give the enemy a way in.
And what is perverse speech?
Anything that distorts the truth of the gospel or is contrary to the promises of scripture in your life.
In essence, perverse speech is speaking death over yourself or others. 
Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue:” Proverbs 18:21
“I’ll never get out of this slump.”  Perverse.
“The devil has a stronghold in my life.”  Perverse.
“That person will never change.”  Perverse.
I think you get the picture.  Anything that we say that even hints to defeat or being defeated in any way goes directly against the truth of the gospel that in Christ we are more than conquerors, that we are free, that we have all things and can do all things.
Pure is the opposite of perverse.  Purity only comes in Christ Whose blood washing us clean of all of our sin.
Be pure in speech… close the breach.


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