Thursday, August 11, 2011

Serve up the "new and old"

Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe [which is] instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man [that is] an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure [things] new and old.”  Matt 13:52
That is the word translated as “scribe.”  We get the word “grammar” from it.  You get the sense that someone who was grammateus was pretty exact in how they wrote or said things.
So how could a scribe be a householder? 
The thing that connects them is the treasure. 

Their treasure… the Word of God.
A scribe did not merely write things down… he held on to them.
Like a holy pack rat so to speak.  Concerning the law, they kept everything.
But the scribes in the kingdom of heaven share their treasure.
When a preacher takes the pulpit or a teacher the podium… they ought to bring out the “new and old”, that is, the New and the Old Testaments. 
Because the whole Book speaks of Jesus. 
So while it might be comfortable for us just to know the New Testament, our spiritual heritage resides in the Old.
When you want a deeper faith… dig down to Genesis and the books of Moses… hit the Psalms… the Proverbs… the minor prophets…
You get to know the Father… how long suffering He is… and you get to hear all of the previews (prophecies) that set the stage for Our King.
You know… Jesus taught from the Old Testament.  And lived the New.
Maybe we should try that too.

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