Thursday, June 23, 2011

Discernment vs. Judgment

There are those moments when you sit and hear the preaching of the Word that just POP and you know that it is going to make a difference in your life.  They are the moments when what you just heard sinks in and sears into your conscience.
And praise God that they do.  Praise God that there are the faithful who, when He speaks to them, repeat those words and bless the hearers.
I had one of those moments at church this past weekend.  I rarely bring my phone into church.  But last weekend I accidentally did so I put it on silent.  I say accidentally because I realized later that it was no accident, but providence.  I would need it.  I would need to send myself a message so that I would never forget what I heard.
Discernment is all about protection. Judgment is all about rejection.”
While it may seem simple and to the point… this is a powerful truth, and I have to give credit to the vessel of Davy Maxwell.  He was faithful to repeat what the Spirit had said to him on this. 
When we look at a situation and we respond in discernment we are seeking to protect.  Unfortunately those we are protecting may not see it that way.  They may think that we are robbing them of something, or trying to keep something from them. 
The child who finds themselves being pulled away from the hot stove may think that they are being robbed of “playing” when in fact that are being protected from danger.
Discernment comes from a heart of love.
Judgment rejects.  And when it does… the rejected feel it.  Judgment raises up walls that are difficult, if not impossible, to tear down.  
When you live a life of judgment you find yourself rejecting so many people that you wind up a lone.  And then you find that the one who has been truly rejected is you.
Leave judgment to the Judge.  Discern everything.  Seek to protect.
Thanks for the word Davy.  Keep the faith.


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